Employee Exit Form We hope you had a fulfilling and enjoyable tenure with GLOINNT. Thank you for your contributions! Date of Exit Form Submission *Employee ID *Name of the Employee *Mobile Number *Email Address *Date of Joining *Department *Designation *Period of Service *Reason for Leaving *ResignationTerminationDate of Resignation or Intimation of Termination *Date of Last Working Day *Did you Serve the Notice Period? *YesNoIf not, reason for not serving notice period and how many days did you serve the notice period? *Do you have any receivables from the organization? *YesNoDo you need to make any payment to the organization? *YesNoIf you were asked to capture you experience at GLOINNT in a single word/phrase/sentence, how would you describe it? *How has been your interface with your department head? *What are your specific reasons for leaving? *If there are any other areas you would like to highlight, please specify.Submit